• The trick to using Epsons adjustment utilities in Vista is apparently incredibly simple so just to share the solution.

    1. Download the Adjustment utility as you would normally and set your systems date/time as required by the instructions
    2. Right click on the “Adjprog” and select “Properties
    3. Choose “compatibility” and select “windows xp“.
    4. Find and select “Run as Administrator” (if you have this option)
    5. Click OK at the bottom

    You then follow the instructions as normal to complete the waste counter reset.
    Ref: http://www.fixyourownprinter.com/forums/printer/57513#7

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  • General 21.06.2009 No Comments

    This request crops up a lot from people who want to use an adjustment utility that requires you to change the date on your computer to fool the utility into letting you use it

    Tip: Remember to make a note of the current date before you start so you can return the date to today when you have finished

    1. Click on the Control panel from the Start menu.
    2. Go to “Clock, Language and Region.”
    3. Click “Date and Time.”
    4. Click the “Date and Time” tab and then “Change Date and Time.” Enter your password if prompted to do so.
    5. Double-click the hour. Click the up or down arrows to set the correct hour, or type it manually.
    6. Double-click the minutes. Use the up or down arrows to set the correct number of minutes after the hour, or type it manually.
    7. Select the correct month from the dropdown menu on the calendar to the left of the clock.
    8. Click the correct date on the calendar.
    9. Set the correct year by using the up or down arrows next to the box with a year in it.
    10. Click “OK” when you have finished setting the date and time.
  • General 02.07.2009 No Comments

    A few users have pointed out problems accessing and reading the help file provided with the SSC Utility. This is a particular problem when accessing the file through Windows 7 (and possibly Vista)

    To help side step this problem I’ve produced a PDF version of the manual which you can download from here.

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  • As with Vista, Windows 7 will not run most adjustment utilities without some help.

    This approach is currently untested as my Win7 machine is currently down for repair but hopefully it will prove useful and work…

    Compatibility Mode – Windows 7

    Note: In most cases you will want to run the program in Windows XP SP2 or SP3 mode

    If anyone manages to successfully use their adjustment utility/utilities on Windows 7 using this or another approach please do post a comment with any tips

    I will update this guide once my own Win7 machine is back up and working

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